J.T. Martin Fire & Safety Fire Extinguisher Training Course
Q: What is the Fire Extinguisher Training Course?
A: This OSHA-Required annual training course will guide your annual company OSHA-required training in compliance with OSHA 1910.157(g). First, our instructors engage students in interactive classroom training, featuring ANSUL-based videos, interactive demonstrations and overviews of the important safety features of using fire extinguishers. Finally, after a brief review and short safety meeting, we take our students out of the classroom into a real-world simulation using a controlled fire, allowing students to use the techniques they just learned. Students then receive a certificate of completion that certifies that their annual training is fulfilled.
Q: What types of extinguishers will I learn about and will it apply to my industry?
A: We instruct according to your industry; however, we also cover all types of extinguishers as a means of educating the public on Safety and Health. It’s our industry and it’s our job, plain and simple.
Q: How much will it cost?
A: We get this question a lot, and the best answer we can give is: it varies depending on class size. We cater to classes as low as one participant to as high as one can imagine. We guarantee both a great learning experience while keeping it cost-effective for your company.
Q: What sets your class apart from others I may have attended?
A: Our state-licensed, certified-trainers not only teach the course, they involve their students in their learning experience. There is simply no other company that provides better service or education in the North Central West Virginia region. It’s the main reason so many come back time and time again.
Q: What does the burn-pan exercise consist of?
A: This real-world training exercise is at the core of what we believe to be a successful training program. Students are briefed before participating on proper safety procedures, technique and are coached as they attempt to control the burn. We make every attempt to cater the training in this exercise to your specific industry. There is no better way to learn than by doing, and we at J.T. Martin take this to heart.
Q: Great! How do I schedule a class?
A: Classes are booking every single day, and it is advisable to not wait to schedule your own. To schedule, please call our number at (304) 622-4278 or e-mail David at davidr@jtmartinfire.com